Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 6, 2009


Susan Ensign-Chairperson, Sheila Mesler-Vice Chairperson

Reid Duford - Secretary

Members: Larry Surma, Denise Schneider


The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Susan Ensign at 6:30 pm.


Roll call was taken:  Susan Ensign, Reid Duford, Larry Surma, Denise Schneider, and Sheila Mesler were all present.


A motion was made by Sheila Mesler to approve the agenda as presented and the motion was supported by Reid Duford.  Motion approved 5-0.


Motion by Sheila Mesler and supported by Denise Schneider to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2008 meeting.  Motion approved 5-0.


Under Commission Comments, Susan Ensign-Chairperson presented a copy of a public notice posted in the Midland Daily News for a City of Midland Planning Commission meeting to be held on January 13, 2009 to discuss zoning of property that is contiguous to and was recently annexed from Lincoln Township.


No Public Comments to report. There was no public in attendance.


Old Business: Susan Ensign-Chairperson mentioned that Justin Sprague resigned from Rowe, Inc. and that the Lincoln Township Board would have to follow up on the zoning maps that were to be printed by Rowe, Inc.


New Business: The Commission welcomed Larry Surma as a newly appointed member since Roger Crockett resigned to serve his time on the Twp Board of Trustees.


The Commission discussed Planning Commission Meeting dates for 2009 as follows:

                        January 6, 2009 - 6:30 pm

                        March 3, 2009 - 6:30 pm

                        May 5, 2009 - 6:30 pm

                        July 7, 2009 - 6:30 pm

                        September 1, 2009 - 6:30 pm

                        November 3, 2009 - 6:30 pm


Denise Schneider made a motion that the Planning Commission meetings will be held at the Lincoln Township Hall on the stated dates and times (as listed above) unless otherwise revised by the Chairman that a date or time has been changed or canceled. The motion was supported by Reid Duford. Motion approved 5-0


The Commission held an Election of Officers as follows:

  • Chairperson - Sue Ensign: Motioned by Sheila Mesler & supported by Denise Schneider. Motion approved 5-0

  • Vice Chairperson - Sheila Mesler: Motioned by Sue Ensign & supported by Denise Schneider. Motion approved 5-0

  • Secretary - Reid Duford: Motioned by Sue Ensign & supported by Sheila Mesler. Motion approved 5-0





Meeting was adjourned at 6:57 pm.


Reid Duford, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County