Planning Commission


MAY 6, 2008


Susan Ensign-Chairperson, Sheila Mesler-Vice Chairperson

Reid Duford - Secretary

Members: Roger Crockett, Denise Schneider



The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Susan Ensign at 6:35pm


Roll call was taken:  Susan Ensign, Roger Crockett & Denise Schneider were present, Reid Duford & Sheila Mesler were absent.


Motion by Roger Crockett with support by Denise Schneider to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion approved 3-0.


 Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Roger Crockett to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2008  meeting.  Motion approved 3-0.


There were no comments by the Planning Commission members or the Public at this time.


Old Business:  Justin Sprague was present from Rowe, Inc. to give us his recommendation of procedure for the Lincoln Township Master Plan updates that are needed.  The cost for the updated review would still be $3500 as quoted in 2007.  It will be a 3 month process.  Justin informed us, there are new rules and regulations concerning the Planning Commission process.  In the future we will need an ordinance for the planning commission.  The State also will be requiring by laws.  He has more updated rules for us from the New Planning Act.


There were no comments from the Planning Members.


Public Comment from Kathleen Kemp was she gave Justin Sprague a copy of her letter to keep her property residential.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Denise Schneider, Acting Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County