Planning Commission


July 29, 2008


Susan Ensign-Chairperson, Sheila Mesler-Vice Chairperson

Reid Duford - Secretary

Members: Roger Crockett, Denise Schneider



The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairperson, Sheila Mesler at 6:30 pm.


Roll call was taken:  Sheila Mesler, Reid Duford, Roger Crockett & Denise Schneider were present, Susan Ensign was absent.


Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Roger Crockett to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion approved 4-0.


Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Reid Duford to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2008 meeting. Motion approved 4-0.


Commission Member Comments: There were no comments or correspondence from the Commission.


Under Public Comments, Lincoln Township resident, Kathleen Kemp, provided the Commission with a letter in opposition to the Lincoln Township Master Plan. Ms. Kemp requested that the verbiage of the Master Plan be amended to specify that industrial development will not occur in the Hicks, Letts, Stark and Virginia Dr. area.  In addition, Ms. Kemp requested that Virginia Dr. be down zoned from light industrial to residential.


Old Business was discussion on the review of the Master Plan with Justin Sprague from Rowe, Inc. Mr. Sprague recommended that the Commission wait to update Master Plan demographic information until new census information is available after the 2010 census is completed. Upon further discussion, the Commission determined that the Future Land Use Map and Zoning Map need updating to reflect changes due to property annexations by the City of Midland.


The Commission will have additional review of the Master Plan and recommendations to the Township Board at the September 2, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. This additional review will include discussion to determine the necessity of a zoning ordinance text amendment.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.


Reid Duford, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County