Planning Commission


June 5, 2007


Susan Ensign - Chairperson, Sheila Mesler � Vice-Chairperson

Gary Elza � Secretary

Members: Denise Schneider, Roger Crockett



The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Susan Ensign, Chairperson at 6:30 P.M.


Roll call was taken: Susan Ensign, Sheila Mesler, Denise Schneider, Roger Crockett and Gary Elza were present.


A motion by Denise Schneider with support from Gary Elza to accept the agenda as presented. Motion was approved.


A motion by Denise Schneider with support from Roger Crockett to accept the April 3, 2007 meeting minutes as presented. Motion was approved.


Per Chairperson Ensign, there was a letter received from the Midland County Planning Commission regarding the zoning amendment for Private drives. It was accepted by them and sent back to the Lincoln Township Board for adoption. Copy of letter is attached for file.


Copies of the new zoning ordinance books have been ordered and will be distributed when received to the Planning Commission members along with being available on the township web site.


Chairperson Ensign requested if there was any old business to be presented, there was none.


Chairperson Ensign requested if there was any new business to be presented. At this time Chairperson Ensign presented a letter from the City of Midland with a proposed Draft of the Master Plan for the City of Midland. They are requesting any comments be sent back to them within 90 days from the date of the letter, May 2, 2007. There was discussion of the new draft but no comments to be sent back to them.


Also under new business John Anderson, 1115 E. Price Rd. requested that at some point it may be good to look at the ordinance for lighting requirements or restrictions in residential areas. It could be helpful to have some additional language in this area for enforcement on lighting from neighboring property that is not wanted. There was discussion regarding this, at this time there will not be any action taken to change the ordinance, the information will be kept for future inclusion when and if additional changes may be made to the zoning text. It was suggested that the enforcement use the existing text and see what happens there. The original problem has been somewhat resolved after a long period of time.


The next scheduled meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission will be held on August 21, 2007 at 6:30 P.M. in the Lincoln Township Hall on Hope Rd.


Chairperson Ensign adjourned the meeting at 7:04 P.M.

Gary Elza, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County