December 11, 2007



The regular meeting of the Lincoln Township Board was called to order by the Supervisor with all present and 13 guests.

The agenda was accepted as iill1endcd after motion by Hughes.

There was no public comment or correspondence.

The minutes of November's meeting were approved after motion by Oswald.

The treasurer's report was heard.

Approved payment of bills after motion by Ensign. Roll call vole: Briggs - YES, Wray - YES, Oswald - YES, Hughes - YES, Ensign - YES

The fire department, planning commission, building inspector, code enforcement, water district, and solid waste  reports were given.

Resolution by Hughes to set 2008 meeting dates. Roll call vole: Ensign - YES, Hughes - YES, Oswald - YES, Wray - YES, Briggs - YES.

Approved attendance by Board Of Review members to M.T.A. seminar after motion by Hughes.

Approved appointment of Ron Thompson to Web Master after motion by Wray.

Approved appointment of Sue Ensign to Planning commission after motion by Wray.

Approved appointment of Denise Schneider to planning commission after motion by Wray.

Approved appointment of Dana Mier to Zoning Board of Appeals after motion by Wray.

Approved appointment of Bob Marks, Bill Jungman, and David Wasalaski to fire department after motion by Wray.

Approved appointment of Steve Marker to code enforcement officer after motion by Wray.

Approved resignation of clerk after motion by Oswald.

Approved appointment of Mark Trinklein to Clerk for remaining term after motion by Hughes.

Approved private road maintenance for Retreat, Brink, and Antique after motion by Ensign.


Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


Larry Hughes. Clerk