Planning Commission


July 18, 2006

Joseph Leigeb � Chairperson, Denise Schneider � Vice-Chairperson

Members: Sheila Mesler, Susan Ensign and Gary Elza


The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Joseph Leigeb, chairperson at 6:35 p.m.


Roll call was taken: Joseph Leigeb, Denise Schneider and Gary Elza were present. Sheila Mesler and Susan Ensign were absent.


Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Gary Elza to accept the agenda as presented. Motion approved.


Motion by Gary Elza with support by Denise Schneider to accept the April 4, 2006 minutes as submitted. Motion approved.


Joseph Leigeb opened the meeting up for public comment, there was none presented at this time.


Joseph Leigeb requested any comment from the commission members present, there were none presented at this time.


Brett Schwenke and Justin Sprague from Rowe Incorporated gave a presentation on the �2006 Michigan Zoning Enabling Act�. Justin presented an analysis of how the act affects the Lincoln Township Zoning Ordinance that is currently in place. Justin outlined specific changes that need to be put into place and how they can help facilitate those changes.  After reviewing the analysis and some other items that could use some updating it was agreed that we would move forward with them to accomplish the needed changes. Justin and possible Brett will attend our meeting next month to work with the Planning Commission, Chairperson Leigeb will get other areas that need worked on to Justin between this meeting and the next for inclusion in the change.


Part of the discussion revolved around areas that may need to be addressed as we work on the changes. Kevin Wray presented some items for consideration and review. They were as follows.

1.      Fences � good side bad side, which way to install.

2.      Control of height of grass or weeds as growing on property within the township. How to control or enforcement of ordinance?

3.      Vehicle Sales by individuals on their property, anyway to control or enforce or possible proposal for this.

4.      Approved or improved road, which way should it be and bring conformity to the manual and use approved or improved not both.


If the Planning Commission would request help on a large site plan review we need to contact Brett or Justin at Rowe Incorporated to discuss what is needed. There is an arrangement between the Township Board and Rowe Incorporated for this service.


The next meeting for the Lincoln Township Planning Commission will be August 16, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lincoln township Hall on Hope road.


Chairperson Leigeb adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.


Gary Elza, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County, Michigan