JULY 11, 2006


The regular meeting of the board was called to order by the Supervisor with all present

and 16 guests.


Agenda accepted after motion by Oswald.


Candidates Bill Waterman and Jon Lauderbach addressed the meeting.


An EMS presentation was given encouraging support for the millage


Public comment was heard.


The minutes of June 13 meeting were approved after motion by Ensign.


The treasurer�s report was given. Motion to pay bills by Oswald.  Approved unanimously.


 Motion to increase building permit fees by Hughes.  Approved unanimously.


Waste Management representative gave presentation of services.


Motion by Oswald to allow Wade Trim to accept bids for Stark Road water line project.

Approved unanimously.


Motion by Wray to allow asphalt overlays of subdivision roads.  Approved unanimously.


Fair booth attendance discussed.


Motion by Hughes to allow attendance of M.T.A. seminar.  Approved unanimously.


Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Larry Hughes, Clerk