DECEMBER 13, 2005


Lincoln Township Board Meeting Minutes December 13, 2005 {Proposed}

The regular meeting of the Lincoln Township Board was called to order by the Supervisor with all members present and 22 guests. The pledge was given and the agenda was accepted after motion by Ensign. Correspondence was heard. There was no public comment.

The minutes of November's meeting were approved after motion by Ensign.

The treasurer's report was given.

Motion to pay bills on hand by Ensign. Roll call vote: Briggs-YES, Wray- YES, Oswald- YES, Hughes- YES, Ensign -YES. Approved unanimously.

The fire department, planning commission, building inspector, electrical inspector, code enforcement officer, and water district reports were given.

Resolution offer by Hughes to set dates of 2006 meetings as 2n.d. Tuesday of each month.

Roll call vote: Ensign -YES, Hughes -YES, Oswald -YES, Wray -YES, Briggs -YES. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Ensign to adopt Social Security Privacy Act Motion approved unanimously.

Motion by Wray to appoint Gary Elza to planning commission term expiring 12-31-08.

Approved unanimously.

Motion by Wray to appoint Shelia Mesler to planning commission, term expiring 12-31-08.

Approved unanimously.

Motion by Wray to appoint Monty McCann to Z.B.A. term expiring 12-31-08. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Wray to appoint Amy Ahlich to Z.B.A. term expiring 12-31-07. Motion approved.

Motion by Wray to appoint Reid Duford to Z.B.A. alternative term expiring 12-31-07. Motion approved.

Motion by Wray to appoint Mike Dice to solid waste attendant assistant term expiring 12-31-07. Motion approved.

Motion by Wray to appoint Steve Marker as Code Enforcement Officer. Motion approved.

Motion by Wray to appoint Larry Hughes as water district representative with term expiring 12-31-07. Motion approved.

Motion by Hughes to appoint Wray as water district representative with term expiring 12-31-07. Motion approved.

Motion by Wray to appoint Ron Thompson as web master with term to expire 12-31-07. Approved unanimously.

Oswald motioned to enter into close session to discuss law suit. Roll call vote; Hughes-YES, Oswald -YES, Ensign -YES, Wray - YES. Briggs abstained from vote and session. Motion approved.

Returned to regular session. and Supervisor Kevin Wray indicated that no decisions were made with regards to Briggs lawsuit.


Adjourned at 9:05.


Larry Hughes, Clerk.