Planning Commission


March 2, 2004

Joseph Leigeb � Chairperson, Sheila Mesler � Vice-Chairperson

Members: Denise Schneider, Kevin Wray and Gary Elza

The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning commission was called to order by Joseph Leigeb, chairperson at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call was taken: Joseph Leigeb, Denise Schneider, Kevin Wray, Gary Elza and Sheila Mesler were present.

Motion by Gary Elza with support by Kevin Wray to accept the minutes of the January 6, 2004 meeting as read. Motion approved.

Motion by Gary Elza with support by Kevin Wray to accept the agenda as amended. Motion approved.

Started the review of proposed township zoning ordinance up-dates as presented by Cindy Winland of The Spicer Group. Cindy will bring additional information to the May 4th, 2004 meeting, that meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. for additional review time.

The site plan as submitted by Tim Bell was reviewed and discussed. Motion by Sheila Mesler with support by Gary Elza to accept the site plan with the following conditions. The existing sign on the building will be refurbished with no change in size. A canvas style awning will be install with signage incorporated into it; the signage portion of the awning must stay within the allowed square footage as allowed per the existing sign ordinance. The existing billboard on the property will be refurbished with no change in size or location. Motion approved.

Chairperson Leigeb requested comments from the public and the commission. None were received.

There was no old business presented at this time.

There was no new business presented at this time.

The next meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning commission is scheduled for May 4, 2004 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the township hall.

Chairperson Leigeb adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m.

Gary Elza, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County, Midland