NOVEMBER 14, 2003

The regular meeting of the Lincoln Township Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:00 p.m. with all members present and 12 guests.
The pledge was given and the agenda was amended to include winter tax receipts by motion from Hughes with second by Sheets. Motion approved unanimously.
Correspondence was read regarding 911 open house on November 23, Lincoln Township verses Jeff Weckesser civil infraction, and Wane Berry verses Lincoln Township.
The minutes of October's meeting were approved by motion from Sheets with second by Ahearn. Motion approved unanimously.
The treasures report was given.
A motion to pay bills by Wray and seconded by Ahearn was approved unanimously. Roll call vote: Wray-YES, Nightlinger-YES, Ahearn-YES, Hughes-YES, Sheets-YES.
The fire department, planning commission, building inspector, code enforcement officers, and water district reports were given.
Under unfinished business Stargazer Site Condo request was tabled until December by motion from Hughes and seconded by Sheets.
The Stark Road water line extension and 2004 road projects were discussed.
Hughes motioned and Sheets seconded to eliminate winter tax bills receipts by treasurer unless requested. Roll call vote: Sheets-YES, Hughes-YES, Ahearn-YES, Nightlinger-YES, Wray-YES. Motion approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 7:48 p.m.

Larry Hughes, Clerk