Planning Commission


July 29, 2008


Susan Ensign-Chairperson, Sheila Mesler-Vice Chairperson

Reid Duford - Secretary

Members: Roger Crockett, Denise Schneider



September 2, 2008


The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Susan Ensign at 6:30 pm.


Roll call was taken:  Susan Ensign, Reid Duford, Roger Crockett, Denise Schneider, and Sheila Mesler were all present.


A Motion was made by Susan Ensign to amend the agenda as presented to exclude the words �with guest Justin Sprague from Rowe, Inc� under old business. The motion was supported by Roger Crockett and seconded by Denise Schneider to accept the agenda as amended.  Motion approved 5-0.


Motion by Sheila Mesler and supported by Reid Duford to approve the minutes of the July 29, 2008 meeting.  Motion approved 5-0.


Under Commission Comments, Susan Ensign-Chairperson submitted and discussed correspondence received from Rowe Incorporated.


Under Public Comments, Lincoln Township resident, Kathleen Kemp, commented about potential industrial activity on neighboring properties along Virginia Drive and �Section 1105� of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to screening.


Old Business was discussion on the review of the Master Plan and additional discussion of the correspondence received from Rowe Incorporated.  Susan Ensign-Chairperson motioned to adopt Rowe�s report and forward it to the Lincoln Township Board for further recommendation and action, and to have the Township�s Future Land Use and the Zoning Ordinance Maps updated and reprinted. The motion was supported by Shelia Mesler and seconded by Denise Schneider. Motion approved 5-0.


Attachments: �Report by the Lincoln Township Planning Commission on the Five Year Review of the Lincoln Township Master Plan� as adopted by the Commission.


Report is included below:








This review of the Lincoln Township Master Plan is being performed per Section 125.3845 (c) (2) of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, �At least every 5 years after adoption of a master plan, a planning commission shall review the master plan and determine whether to commence the procedure to amend the master plan or adopt a new master plan. The review and its findings shall be recorded in the minutes of the relevant meeting or meetings of the planning commission.� 


Item 1 - Has population growth occurred during the planning period at the rate projected in the plan?


According to the U.S. Census, the township�s population in 2000 was 2,277. This represents a 26% increase in population from 1,807 persons in 1990. While this appears to be a large increase it remains quite consistent with other semi-rural to rural townships located adjacent to medium to large urban areas. The trend for the past decade has been for city residents to move out to the �country� for a more suburban/rural residential setting. This appears to be the case in Lincoln Township, located adjacent to the City of Midland. As the economy remains to be lean it is not believed that the rate of growth into the township will be nearly as high for the next few years. This will be better determined when the 2010 US Census is released.


Item 2 - Has the housing growth and mix of housing types matched the projections in the plan?


In March of 2000, the census reported 880 total dwelling units within the Township limits consisting of single family to multiple family dwellings.  According to the 2000 Census, 841 of these dwelling units were occupied. This is a very good ratio of occupied to vacant housing units. Another good fact about housing in Lincoln Township is that renter occupancy in 2000 was at 15%, meaning that the majority of the homes in the township are owner occupied. Growth in housing has been fairly consistent for the past decade averaging nearly 22 homes per year since 1990. That number started to decrease in 2004 and has been on the decline since the Michigan economy has slowed.



Item 3 - How has the cost of housing increased in relation to the household incomes in the city?


In 1990, the median value of an owner occupied home was $52,800 according to the census.  In the 2000 census the median value of an owner occupied home was $93,200 which is a 77% increase.  In comparison, the median income in 1990 was $33,558 while in 2000 it was $42,167 which is a 26% increase (see figure 1).



Figure 1





The ratio of growth that is represented in figure one (1) is consistent with other communities of similar size as well as the state for income growth and housing value. The impact of these differing changes in housing cost and income is to reduce the affordability of housing for Township residents.



Item 4 - How have changes in the adjacent municipality's future land use plan or zoning maps affected the township?


The most prominent change in adjacent planning and zoning was the annexation of a large tract of land from the township to the City of Midland. This area is set to be zoned as an industrial/office research area in the upcoming months. This future planning of this area has created a stir with some of the residents of the township, and it would be good for the township to see if there are additional protections to be applied to this area to ensure existing residents quality of life. Unfortunately for those residents in this area, future development of this area is consistent with the Township Master Plan. The plan calls for the expansion of this area as an industrial and commercial corridor due to the access of major roads and the close proximity to the freeway. This makes this corridor an ideal location for this growth.



Item 4 - How have the changes in the Township�s Future Land Use Plan or Zoning Maps affected the township?


There have not been many changes to the Future Land Use or Zoning Map in the last six (6) years, however; the township should amend both maps to reflect the recent Stark Rd. annexation as well as any property rezonings that have occurred in the past six (6) years.



Item 5 - Has the sewer system been extended beyond the limits set in the Growth Management Plan?

The township currently does not have a sewer system.



Item 6 - Has the water system been updated based on the recommendations set in the Master Plan?


Since the adoption of the plan, the water system has been extended along Stark Rd. The township has plans for an additional expansion of water service in the future.




Item 7 � Have goals and policies from the current plan been realized or have priorities changed since the adoption of the current plan? If goals and actions have been realized, are there new goals and actions that should be included within the current plan?


Since the adoption of the Land Use Plan, goals and policies have primarily been adhered to.



General Comments


Based on the facts that the township is growing consistently with other similar communities across the state, it does not appear at this time that updates to the master plan would be necessary. Because of the slowing Michigan economy, the slow housing market, the high rate of housing foreclosures and the fact the 2010 Census is two years from being released would lend one to believe that the township would be able to gain a better picture on the economic status of the township in 2010.


It is recommended at this time that the township hold off on updating the plan until that time. However; there are areas within the plan that could use addressing, most notably the future land use map and other maps within the plan. These maps should be amended immediately to reflect the boundary adjustment created by the annexation of land to the City of Midland. Further, the township may want to revisit areas surrounding this annexed land to determine if it is planned appropriately to afford township residents a continued high quality of life that will not be severely disrupted by any plans for development that the City of Midland may have for this area.


In accordance with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, this report serves as proof that the Lincoln Township Planning Commission has reviewed there current Master Plan, adopted May 16, 2002. In accordance with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, this report will be adopted by the Planning Commission and forwarded to the Lincoln Township Board for further recommendation and action.


This report was prepared by Rowe Incorporated.



Meeting was adjourned at 7:08 pm.


Reid Duford, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County