Planning Commission


JANUARY 8, 2008


Susan Ensign-Chairperson, Sheila Mesler-Vice Chairperson

Reid Duford - Secretary

Members: Roger Crockett, Denise Schneider



The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Susan Ensign at 6:35 pm.


Roll call was taken:  Susan Ensign, Reid Duford, Roger Crockett & Denise Schneider were present, Sheila Mesler was absent.


Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Roger Crockett to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion approved 4-0.


Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Reid Duford to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2007 meeting. Motion approved 4-0.


Under Commission Comments, Susan Ensign-Chairperson suggested that a worksheet/review checklist should be implemented for site plan review to set standards for what information is required by a petitioner before a site plan review is conducted. Susan Ensign will provide copies of a sample site plan worksheet/review checklist to Commission members for review and comment at the next Planning Commission meeting.


Under Public Comments, Lincoln Township resident, Kathleen Kemp, asked the Commission about a sight plan review for a sandblasting and painting company that is potentially considering locating a branch of its business to Virginia Drive. The Commission responded that no petition has yet been made or presented to the Commission for such a business at that location. 


Old Business was discussion on the review of the Master Plan before the Commission meets with Rowe Inc.  

Kathleen Kemp submitted a letter to the Commission with respect to her family�s properties located at 1800 N Stark Road. She then addressed the Commission, in person, about her family�s 40 acres located at 1800 N Stark Road.  Ms. Kemp asked that the Commission preserve this property�s zoning as residential property for the Lincoln Township�s future Master Plan, as it was zoned in the past.   

The Planning Commission continued the discussion with concerns about the growth and expansion of the City of Midland moving toward this area near the Stark Road � US-10 interchange. 

The Commission determined that before more analysis of the future Master Plan could be conducted, additional information would need to been gathered.


The following information will be gathered and reviewed prior to the next Planning Commission meeting:

        M-30 Corridor Agreement

        MUGA information and any agreements between the City of Midland and Lincoln Township that may affect future land use

        Assessor Maps of the Township�s perimeter and its neighboring townships and municipalities, as well as its commercial and industrial developed areas.

        Information to determine the process involved with, and the feasibility of, establishing a Parks Commission

        Commercial and industrial incentive programs that could help to attract new businesses to locate in Lincoln Township

        Any studies or information about the possible affects to properties that will front the new M-30 road connection and bridge


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Reid Duford, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County