Planning Commission


March 15, 2007


Susan Ensign Chairperson, Sheila Mesler Vise-Chairperson, Gary Elza Secretary

Members: Denise Schneider, Roger Crockett



The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Susan Ensign Chairperson at 6:40 pm.


Roll was taken: Sheila Mesler, Roger Crockett, Susan Ensign, Denise Schneider were present and Gary Elza was absent.


Motion by Roger Crockett to approve the agenda for the meeting, Sheila Mesler seconded it.


Motion to approve the minutes for the September 5 ,2006 meeting by Sheila Mesler seconded by Roger Crockett.


Motion to approve the minutes for the February 6, 2007 meeting by Roger Crockett seconded by Sheila Mesler


Regular Meeting Recessed


  • Public Hearing was open � Consumers Energy�s Request for Special Use Permit.

  • Steven Markey from Consumers Energy presented the plan for the public and showed diagrams.

  • There was much discussion on the construction, the level of noise and the location of the project.

  • Many Public comments against this location.

  • Jim Humphreys commented about speaking with the Senior Engineer for Consumers Energy - Heath Miser (989)791-5787.  He was told the purpose of this station was to develop the future growth on M-30.


Planning Meeting Reconvened


Roger Crockett made a motion for Consumers Energy to make attempts to find another site for the transfer station and to resolve some of the concerns the people had and to table the Special Use decision until April 3, 2007 at 6:30 pm meeting, Sheila Mesler seconded it.


A roll call vote was taken and passed 3-1.


Correspondence was reviewed.

No Old Business.

No New Business.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm by Chairperson Susan Ensign.


Denise Schneider acting Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission
