Planning Commission


September 5, 2006

Joseph Leigeb � Chairperson, Denise Schneider � Vice-Chairperson

Members: Sheila Mesler, Susan Ensign and Gary Elza


The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Joseph Leigeb, chairperson at 6:30 p.m.


Roll call was taken: Joseph Leigeb, Denise Schneider, Susan Ensign and Gary Elza were present. Sheila Mesler was absent.


Motion by Susan Ensign with support by Denise Schneider to accept the agenda as presented. Motion approved.


Motion by Denise Schneider with support by Susan Ensign to accept the August 16, 2006 minutes as submitted. Motion approved.


Joseph Leigeb opened the meeting for public comment, there were none presented at this time.


Joseph Leigeb requested any comment from the commission members present, there were none presented at this time.


Brett A. Schwenke from Rowe Incorporated was at the meeting and presented to the commission changes to the zoning text that was discussed at the August 16, 2006 meeting. Brett provided 10 copies of the changes, 5 for the Planning Commission and 5 for the Lincoln Township Board.


Chapters 2, 3, 7 and 8 had changes presented and these were reviewed and discussed. The Planning Commission agreed with the changes as presented and all will be forwarded to the township board for their review and approval. This includes all changes to comply with the 2006 Michigan Zoning Enabling Act 110 and changes the commission had requested.


Brett brought up the question, did the township have a �Parks and Recreation Plan�. The answer that was given to him was, no. Brett went on to explain that there is money available and it is much easier to obtain some of this money if you have a plan in place so it can be referred to when applying for possible grant or fund money. Some of the other townships in our area do have these plans in place and it put them ahead of our township when requesting grants or fund money. Rowe Incorporated could help us with this plan if the township or the Planning Commission would like to move forward.


Joseph Leigeb requested any other items to come before the commission, there were none presented.


The next meeting for the Lincoln Township Planning commission will be October 24, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lincoln township Hall on Hope Rd.


The November 21, 2006 meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission �has been canceled�.


Chairperson Leigeb adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m.


Gary Elza, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County, Michigan