NOVEMBER 13, 2006


The regular meeting of the Lincoln Township Board was called to order by the Supervisor with all board members present and 32 guests.


The agenda was amended after motion by Hughes to include hall snow plowing and solid waste station.


Correspondence was read and public comment was heard.


The minutes of October�s meeting were approved.


The treasurer�s report was given.


Motion to pay bills by Ensign.  Roll call vote: Briggs- YES, Wray- YES, Oswald- YES, Hughes- YES, Ensign -YES.  Approved unanimously.


The fire department, planning commission, code enforcement officer, and water district reports were given.


Motion by Oswald to accept Retreat and Antique Roads into township road system.


Motion by Hughes to purchase micro-wave for hall.  Motion approved.


Motion by Oswald to accept estimate for Price Road reconstruction for 2007. Motion approved.


Motion by Ensign for officers attendance of M.C.T.O.A. winter dinner meeting December 7.   Motion approved.


Letter read regarding D. E. Q. visit to solid waste station.


Hughes motioned to appoint Mike Dice to solid waste station as attendant after ballot vote. Motion approved.


 Hughes motioned to appoint Peggy Dice as assistant to solid waste station after ballot vote. Motion approved.


Awarded contract for snow removal to Lyle Jacobs after motion by Hughes. Motion approved.


Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Larry Hughes, Clerk