JUNE 13, 2006



The regular meeting of the Lincoln Township Board was called to order by the Supervisor with all present and 15 guests.


The agenda was amended after motion by Hughes.


Correspondence was read regarding Midland Conservation District, hazardous materials collection date, jail issue, Lincoln Estates roads.


Minutes of May�s meeting approved after motion by Ensign.


The treasurer�s report was given Motion to pay bills by Oswald was approved unanimously.


The fire department, building inspectors, ordinance officer, and water district reports were given.


Rowe engineering appointed as consultant after motion by Hughes.


Hall inside painting approved after motion by Wray.


Approved hall outside improvements by scouts after motion by Hughes.


Set land division fee at $50.00 for 1st split and $25.00 for additional after motion by Hughes.


Approved resignation of Amy Ahlich from Z.B.A. after motion by Hughes. Appointed Reid Duford to Z.B.A. after motion by Wray.


Approved property annexation of Fisher property to City after motion by Wray.


Approved annexation of Airport Road to City after motion by Hughes.


Approved attendance of M.T.A. seminar after motion by Ensign.


Approved Black Oak Court, Golden Pond, and 5 Mile Roads into Township road system after motion by Hughes.


Reschedule August meeting to the 7th because of elections after motion by Hughes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m..

Larry Hughes, Clerk