Planning Commission


July 6, 2004

Joseph Leigeb � Chairperson, Sheila Mesler � Vice-Chairperson

Members: Denise Schneider, Kevin Wray and Gary Elza

The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Joseph Leigeb, chairperson at 6:30 p.m.

Roll call was taken: Joseph Leigeb, Denise Schneider, Kevin Wray and Gary Elza were present, Sheila Mesler was absent.

Motion by Kevin Wray with support by Denise Schneider to accept the minutes of the June 22, 2004 meeting. Motion approved.

Motion by Kevin Wray with support by Denise Schneider to accept the agenda as presented. Motion approved.

The site plan review as submitted to the commission by Joseph Leigeb for Matt Rapanos, Mr. Rapano was not present to answer question. Upon review Joseph Leigeb presented the following clarifications from his conversation with Matt Rapanos. The storage area will be used to rent space for boats, campers, trailers, vehicles; this will not be used for items for sale out of this space. Per the drawing submitted the area would be completely fenced with a gate in the middle on Saginaw road. This will require a new driveway from Saginaw road, which will require a permit either from Midland County or the State of Michigan, which ever has precedence. Motion by Gary Elza with support by Denise Schneider to accept the site plan with the additional clarifications as listed above. Motion approved.

At this time the planning commission started to review the zoning text with Cindy Winland of The Spicer Group. Items in question were resolved and Cindy will make the changes and then send copies to Joseph Leigeb for distribution to the appropriate people for review. Then Joseph Leigeb will schedule a public hearing for review of the changes. Joseph Leigeb will work with Cindy to schedule her for the next appropriate meeting for her to attend regarding the zoning text revisions.

Chairperson Leigeb went to the open discussion portion of the meeting, there was nothing presented from the commission or the public at this time.

There was no old business presented to the commission at this time.

Under new business the Lincoln Township Junkyard ordinance #1 was discussed. Motion by Kevin Wray with support by Gary Elza to add the following wording: Operable unlicensed vehicles are allowed in commercial storage areas. Motion approved

The next meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission is scheduled for August 24, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the township hall.

Chairperson Leigeb adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m.

Gary Elza, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland County