FEBRUARY 25, 2003


Joseph Leigeb � Chairperson, Sheila Mesler � Vice-Chairperson

Members: Denise Schneider, Kevin Wray, and Gary Elza

February 25, 2003

The meeting of the Lincoln Township Planning Commission was called to order by Joseph Leigeb, Chairperson, at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call was taken: Joseph Leigeb, Sheila Mesler, Kevin Wray and Gary Elza were present. Denise Schneider was absent.

Minutes of the January 7, 2003 meting were read. Motion by Sheila Mesler to accept minutes with the following correction: Sixth paragraph down remove "the township" form the first sentence. Support by Kevin Wray. Roll call vote was taken, 4 yea�s and 0 nay votes. Motion carried.

Motion by Gary Elza to accept the agenda as presented, support by Sheila Mesler. Roll call vote was taken, 4 yea�s and 0 nay votes. Motion carried.

Discussion regarding the Open Space Zoning Acts as were to place it in the Zoning Ordinance along with someone to write up the statement regarding the Acts. Sheila Mesler agreed to follow up with other townships and bring back to the next meeting for additional discussion. Tabled till next meeting.

Chairperson Leigeb presented a request by Modern Metal Craft for discussion. Should the area in question along Wackerly with Modern Metal Craft be looked at to change the zoning at this time or just the area requested by Modern Metal Craft? In looking at the Future Master Plan for the township this area is proposed to be industrial at some time. Motion by Gary Elza to have the Planning Commission pursue the 8 parcels of property from and including Modern Metal Craft down through 84 Lumber be rezoned to Light Industrial. Support by Sheila Mesler. Roll call vote was taken, 4 yea�s and 0 nay votes. Motion carried. Chairperson Leigeb will start the process for this change.

Chairperson Leigeb presented a draft for a description of Industrial Districts M-! & M-2. There were minor changes made to the draft and it was agreed to send a copy over to Pete Pozniak for review and to bring back to the next meeting.

A draft was presented by Chairperson Leigeb for Section 308 Animals and Fowl for discussion and possible changes. After some discussion the item was tabled to be brought back with comments to the next meeting.

Open Discussion: Chairperson Leigeb asked the commission members if they had any thing to bring up. The next meeting for the Planning Commission was scheduled for March 13, 2003, 7:00 p.m. at the township hall.

Chairperson Leigeb asked the public that was present if they had any items to discuss, there were no items brought forward for discussion.

There was no New Business presented.

No additional business was presented; Chairperson Leigeb adjourned the meeting.

Gary Elza, Secretary

Lincoln Township Planning Commission

Midland, Michigan